So today I went to the Running Room.
Can someone please tell me why because you put "running" in front of a piece of clothing it becomes so expensive. I don't get it. It's a pair of shorts. Why, do I have to pay an arm and a leg to buy it? The most insane of this is Nike+ clothing.
I have the whole Nike + kit. I love it. I totally recommend it whole hearted to anyone who doesn't have it. You get your music, you get Lance Armstrong telling you when you reach a certain goal and your runs are graphed on their web site. It's great. The only think it's missing is a heart rate monitor but I am happy with my polar heart rate monitor. But I digress......
I wanted a Nike + t-shirt with a place to put my nano. The damn thing would have cost me $74.99 (cdn) not including taxes. For crying out loud! I didn't need it that much. I will wear my cheat t-shirt.
Man, I love running but buying the gear is killing me. Like any passion you have to suck it up (all the cost) and to quote Nike's famous slogan, "Just Do It!".
So run on runners, run on with your very expensive gear.
Tomorrow is my long run (9 miles) wish me luck.
Nike is expensive, period. I don't know about fancy pockets to put your iPod, I just run with a armband. But Target has Champion clothes that are pretty inexpensive and breathe really well.
Thanks Rosie for the suggestion but we don't have a Target here in Montreal but I think I can get the Champion gear at CostCo here.
Hey, welcome to the blogging world! Running gear is expensive, that's for sure! In the US you can get good deals online or at outlet stores, but up here in Canada it is definitely a bit tricker. I find the Running Room one of the most expensive places around here to get stuff. Good luck training!
Interesting comments. I have shopped at Running Room a few times. They are a rip off.
Do not shop at Running Room.
The stores I have been in have super pricey stuff. Some of the staff have spoken poorly of the upper management even complaining about the stupid spy cameras in their stores that are fed back to the head office where the Stanton boys & crew sit checking up on their employees.
As far as the store staff goes I can't believe how high the turnover is. Just when you get to know someone "poof" they are gone. I don't blame them they are paid so cheap wages. Even the employees I have spoken to buy their gear elsewhere even though they get store discounts.
Buy your gear at other stores. They will move on the price to keep you as a customer. Better yet shop at the Expos. There are fantastic deals there. I have bought on line for great deals too.
Running Room stinks in my opinion. Lastly I can't stand their tacky Running Room logo'd gear. Yuk.
Running Room has a great program going to get people off the coach and plunk down a ton of dollars to sign up for clinics that some never finish and buy their expensive clothes. Beware. Shop around. Other much more friendlier stores are out there.
Oink, Oink. Running Room.
I agree. Running Room is a ripoff. It's good to get your first pair of shoes by a trained employee that knows how to sell shoes. After that's done, buy everything else somewhere else.
Some employees at Running Room are very uneducated about fitting shoes. I have been a victim of it.
Once you have your shoes, get everything else somewhere else.
You dudes and gals said it straight up. The Running room should be called the ripoff room.
Buy online from the USA, have you friend/relation ship it to you.
Go to the US to buy your running gear or get a friend. The plus about Running Room is they get people into running and fitness and give the a sense of belonging. The negative side is unless you have money to burn they are the most expensive game in town. For your own enjoyment. Got to www.roadrunnersports.com in the US and compare the product you're interested in from the Running Room, you may be sick to your stomach to learn about the price differences on the exact same product. You'll probably save even with duties and shipping. Anyway not to slam Running Room too much because they do alot for canadian running but this is what happnens when you get a bit of a monopoly on the market you can charge what you want.
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