Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Runner In Me!

I am a runner!

It's amazing that how in your youth you don't realize what is good for you. In High School I was on the track team. I actually didn't like it all that much but my Coach pushed me. I was the only black girl on the team so I think she expected a lot from me. She didn't really get it. She suggested I do long distance and I quite firmly in my wanting to do short distances. I didn't want to run for that long. The quicker it was finish the better it was or me back then. I ran only the 100 meters, 200 meters & 400 meters. I wasn't really good in either but it was short and sweet.

A year ago, I got back into running and I fell in love! I was so much in love that I decided to run a half marathon. The beginning of this year I ran my first half marathon and finish with a 2:15 time. Wasn't happy with that. So, now I'm training for my second half marathon, taking place on September 9, 2007.

This will be my blog to document this.



Ian said...

I look forward to reading about your progress. I too am training for a half marathon, but it will be my first.

Rosemary Stanley said...

Kat, that's the same thing that my coaches told me. That I had a natural stride for long distances... I loved sprinting though. But now I'm running distances too! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see your enthusiasm for running. Check out Amy's postings about running on She has good insights. Good luck preparing for your half marathon--and keep up the good posting.