Wow. It’s been a while since I wrote on this blog.
You will all be happy to know that I have completed yet another race. This time a 10K. It was the 1st ever MUHC Run For Your Life. Which took place at Angrignon Park, Montreal, Quebec on Saturday October 20th.
I did it in 49:38.5.
I was aiming for 40-45 minutes, which I realized now was unrealistic because it was my first 10K and I only trained 5 weeks for it. Not to take anything away from my finish time though, I am very proud of my time. Just the next time I will know more of what to expect from a 10K and I will do better.
Saturday was a beautiful autumn day. It was not too hot but not too cold as well. Like the third bear, it was perfect. I started my race at a steady pace that I was happy with. It was just hard enough and left room to pick it up at the second half. At least so I thought. By the 5K I started to cramp and had a stitch. This was forgotten when a little healthy completion was forged. Another woman and I tried to beat the blonde woman in front of us. She was going extremely faster than us. So I had to pick up the pace. After 2K my cramp and stitch was becoming painful and I had to slow down my pace. I wished the other woman luck and hoped that she beat the blonde woman.
With 2K left in the race my boyfriend came to give me support. He kept telling me to push it. I weakly uttered I’m cramping. He kept trying to encourage me. At this point I was in so much pain that even the slightest encouragement was just pissing me off. I became the pregnant woman in labour blaming the husband for causing her so much pain. I had to yell, “Shut up!” After he walked away chest fallen, I had to stop. I walked it off a bit and started to run again but the cramp was still there. I had to stop again. Turning behind me I saw a man creeping up closer towards me. I wasn’t going to let him get any closer. I had already lost a lot of ground and I knew I wasn’t going to make it up but I didn’t want this guy to beat me to the finish. So I sucked it up and began to run again at a slow pace at first because I was still cramping. With 1K left I picked up my pace and struggled to the finish line where I kneed over in pain. Even though, I was happy that I completed my first 10K.
When the results were posted I placed 10/42 women. Wow. That’s amazing for a woman who ran with a cramp!
Next up for me: maintenance.
My next race won’t be until April of 2008 another half marathon.
You have a great blog. Congrats! Good running.
Wow! 49 min for a first time attempt at the 10k is fantastic. My first official 10k took me 53 mins. Keep it up.
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