Monday, August 13, 2007

The Vacation Runner

So last week I was on vacation for a week. Despite being on vacation I tried to keep up my training. I was actually really proud of myself. Out of the 4 days I had to run I ran 3 which included my Tempo Run and my Long Run (10 miles).

It's amazing if you put your mind to it you can do anything you want. Of course, my boyfriend who was also on vacation with me wasn't very happy that I was keeping to the training schedule. But I had to choice. There is only three weeks until my half marathon. I have to do as much training as I possible can.

It was an especially hard Long Run that I lost my training partner. My boyfriend was going to run the 1/2 with me. It would have been a couples thing. From the on set he was plagued with running injures from bad knees to really bad blisters. My boyfriend is 6'2" and 235lbs and which most is muscle, he isn't built for running, this was politely said to him at the running store that we went to get him a better pair of running shoes. There was exactly 3 shoes that he could choose from. Even still he was plagued with huge blisters that went across him feet. He hasn't been able to do the Long Runs but he has always killed my butt in Tempo and Speedwork (for which I have stated before). He has yet to complete a Long Run without stopping and walking, the longest he had gone was 6 miles. I begged him to stop and that he didn't have to run the 1/2 with me but I guess it's a macho male thing and he continued despite the pain.

But this 10 mile run was the sinker. We were doing a hilly run that was mostly ups and the blisters and knee pain came two folds. So he decided to throw in the towel. Which I agreed to with a sigh of relief. It was getting hard to see him try to walk around after a really hard day. Also, on a selfish note, it meant I could train when I wanted to, early in the morning. My boyfriend was not an early person.

So I will be alone on the journey to finish my second 1/2. Wish me luck.



Anonymous said...

But, where were you on vacation? Did you see any cool sites while running? Was the scenery great? I love running on vacation, new places, new things to see, people, etc. Those are usually the best runs for me.
Sorry about your partner....but you keep it up!

Blaquetomkat said...

I was vacationing at my boyfriend's parents' place 1/2 hour away from Quebec. It was nowhere exotic but the scenery was nice. It was a new experience for me because I haven't done hills, I was mainly doing flats. I ran slowly than I was suppose to but i really liked the experience.

It also amazed me how friendly runners are to each other. There is always a nod and smile even if they don't know you.

Thanks for the encouragement I will miss my partner but I intend to keep it up!